HertzBeat (Apache82)

Rated 2.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)

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A real-time monitoring system with custom-monitor and agentless. Support web service, database, os, middleware and more. https://github.com/dromara/hertzbeat

HertzBeat is an opensource monitoring and alarm project incubated by Dromara and open sourced by TanCloud, which supports Website, API, PING, Port, Database, OS Monitor etc.
We also provide Monitoring Cloud For Saas, people no longer need to deploy a cumbersome monitoring system in order to monitor their website resources. Sign in to get started for free.
HertzBeat supports more liberal threshold alarm configuration (calculation expression), supports alarm notification, alarm template, email, DingDing, WeChat FeiShu and WebHook.
Most important is HertzBeat supports Custom Monitoring, just by configuring the YML file, we can customize the monitoring types and metrics what we need.
HertzBeat is modular, manager, collector, scheduler, warehouse, alerter modules are decoupled for easy understanding and custom development.
Welcome to HertzBeat’s Cloud Environment TanCloud to try and discover more.
Welcome to join us to build hertzbeat together.

HertzBeat’s multi-type support, easy expansion, low coupling, hope to help developers and micro teams to quickly build their own monitoring system.

default account: admin/hertzbeat

Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Last update: 3 January 2024

official website




release note



Apache82 https://www.myqnap.org/product/apache82/




default account: admin/hertzbeat

1 review for HertzBeat (Apache82)

  1. Rated 2 out of 5

    Richard Moron

    need qos =>4.4.x

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