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The goals for this project are simple. It seeks to be the ultimate management tool for digital comic books.

To achieve this goal, the project will:

  • be portable:
    • it can be hosted on the Mac, Linux or Windows, and
    • it can be used by any web browser.
  • manage a library of digital comic books, including:
    • the archive format of the individual files (CBR, CBZ, CB7),
    • converting files from one format to another between the supported types,
    • adding and removing images that make up the pages of the comic,
    • managing what type a page is (front cover, alternate cover, story, back cover, advertisement, etc.)
    • blocking pages based on hash identifiers so that they are ignored,
    • sharing of blocked page files,
    • deleting blocked pages from comics,
    • consolidating the library, including performing any or all of the following steps:
      • moving all files into a well-defined directory structure,
      • converting comics to a single archive type,
      • removing files from each comic that have been blocked, and
      • updating the ComicInfo.xml file within each comic with the current metadata.
  • allow administrators to quickly import new comics into their library,
  • enable scraping metadata for comics from various sources, such as ComicVine.
  • allow managed access to the contents of the library:
    • administrative users can create/delete other users,
    • users can create reading lists,
    • users can manage their read state for all comics in the library, and
    • users can read comics using an OPDS application.
  • provide a plugin system that allows administrators to customize the features in their application:
    • plugins can be written by third-parties to provide new and custom functionality, and
    • administrators can easily install plugins.
  • allow users to share:
    • blocked page lists.
    • reading lists.
What The Project Will Not Do
  • It is not a comic reading application.
Supported Comic Formats

The following digital comic formats are supported:

  • CBZ (ZIP)
  • CBR (RAR)
  • CB7 (7ZIP)
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.

Last update: 12 April 2024

official website

release note



QJDK18 –

first loggin

When run for the first time, ComiXed creates two default accounts for logging into the system:

Username: comixedadmin@localhost Password: comixedadmin
Username: comixedreader@localhost Password: comixedreader
It is highly recommended that you change at least the passwords for these accounts.

To log into the system as the user comixedadmin@localhost, open your web browser and go to http://localhost:7171 and log in.

Once logged in, click on the Account link at the top of the page. This will take you to the account page. You can then change your password, and your login name.

Once you've done this, you'll need to log back into the application using that new name and password.


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