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This application runs as a daemon on your download host. It checks for completed downloads and extracts them so LidarrRadarrReadarr, and Sonarr may import them. There are a handful of options out there for extracting and deleting files after your client downloads them. I just didn’t care for any of them, so I wrote my own. I wanted a small single-binary with reasonable logging that can extract downloaded archives and clean up the mess after they’ve been imported.

Not a starr app user, and just need to extract files? We do that too. This application can run standalone and extract files found in a “watch” folder. In other words, you can configure this application to watch your download folder, and it will happily extract everything you download. This has nothing to do with the four Starr apps mentioned in the previous paragraph. This Folder-watch feature may be used with or without Starr apps.

What’s it extract?

Pretty much everything. It also extracts recursively, meaning deep within folders, and archives within archives. Tars, Rars, Zips, 7-Zips, Gzips, Tarred gzips and bzips; encrypted rars and 7zips. And ISO disc images. Need something else? Ask. Does it do too much? Let me know what knobs you need. Open a request!

Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Last update: 23 August 2024

official website


release note





you need set up correctly your config file /opt/Unpackerr/unpackerr.conf according githug description (official website)


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