UNIX-like reverse engineering framework and command-line toolset
r2 is a complete rewrite of radare. It provides a set of libraries, tools and plugins to ease reverse engineering tasks. Distributed mostly under LGPLv3, each plugin can have different licenses (see r2 -L, rasm2 -L, …).
The radare project started as a simple command-line hexadecimal editor focused on forensics. Today, r2 is a featureful low-level command-line tool with support for scripting. r2 can edit files on local hard drives, view kernel memory, and debug programs locally or via a remote gdb server. r2’s wide architecture support allows you to analyze, emulate, debug, modify, and disassemble any binary.
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.
Last update: 28 January 2023
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