

Original price was: 35.00 €.Current price is: 24.75 €.

After a two-month hard work, I am proud to present QBase24

Only available for Intel/AMD processor 64bit and ARM64 (aarch64) Processor, should work on FW 4.3.6 but not tested (works for QTS and QuTS-Hero)

What is Qbase24 :

QBase24 is a companion to compile sources directly on your NAS Qnap.
The toolchain is built against the Qnap GPL code source, with a GCC / G++ version 11.2 (added CGO as well)
all companion tools are also embedded (autoconf, libtool, bison, flex cmake …)

this release include a recent version of Go language (Goland), with Cargo, Rust
including Python 3.12 ( with pip, virtualenv, meson, ninja, scons and many others ..)
A recent Perl language is also included in this release.

At least but not last, it includes hundreds binaries (coreutil, util-linux, psproc, netutils … and many others), libraries , source headers that you can link to compile your own sources and use QBase24 as dependency.

How to use it ?

Start your terminal as admin user, and just type :

source qbase24

the command will automatically export necessary flags to use QBase24 environment (default HOME and TMPDIR will set in /share/Public to avoid to fill up the NAS tmpfs)

Have fun !!! And join our discord channel for support or additional  tools to add.

Last update: 16 November 2024



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