Shiori is a simple bookmarks manager . Intended as a simple clone of Pocket.
You can use it as a command line application or as a web application.
Basic bookmarks management i.e. add, edit, delete and search.
Import and export bookmarks from and to Netscape Bookmark file.
Import bookmarks from Pocket.
Simple and clean command line interface.
Simple and pretty web interface for those who don’t want to use a command line app.
Portable, thanks to its single binary format.
Support for sqlite3, PostgreSQL and MySQL as its database.
Where possible, by default shiori will parse the readable content and create an offline archive of the webpage.
[BETA] web extension support for Firefox and Chrome.
The default account is shiori with password gopher. It is removed once another ‘owner’ account is created.
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.
Last update: 8 June 2024