Host awesome karaoke parties where everyone can easily find and queue songs from their phone’s browser.
The player is also fully browser-based with support for MP3+G, MP4 videos and WebGL visualizations. The server is self-hosted and runs on nearly everything.
MP3+G with Winamp/MilkDrop visualizations (WebGL 2)
MP4 videos
ReplayGain tags for volume normalization
Fast, modern mobile browser app designed for “karaoke conditions”
Multiple simultaneous rooms/queues (optionally password-protected)
Dynamic queues keep parties fair, fun and no-fuss
Fully self-hosted
No ads or telemetry
Microphones are not required since the player itself only outputs music – this allows your audio setup to be as simple or complex as you like. See the F.A.Q. for more information.
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.
Last update: 8 May 2023
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