A rule-based tunnel
Local HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS server with authentication support
VMess, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell protocol support for remote connections
Built-in DNS server that aims to minimize DNS pollution attack impact, supports DoH/DoT upstream and fake IP.
Rules based off domains, GEOIP, IP CIDR or ports to forward packets to different nodes
Remote groups allow users to implement powerful rules. Supports automatic fallback, load balancing or auto select node based off latency
Remote providers, allowing users to get node lists remotely instead of hardcoding in config
Netfilter TCP redirecting. Deploy Clash on your Internet gateway with iptables.
Comprehensive HTTP RESTful API controller
Premium Features
TUN mode on macOS, Linux and Windows. Doc
Match your tunnel by Script
Rule Provider
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Last update: 30 June 2023