Apache Nifi

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Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic.

Apache NiFi includes the following capabilities:

Browser-based user interface
Seamless experience for design, control, feedback, and monitoring
Data provenance tracking
Complete lineage of information from beginning to end
Extensive configuration
Loss-tolerant and guaranteed delivery
Low latency and high throughput
Dynamic prioritization
Runtime modification of flow configuration
Back pressure control
Extensible design
Component architecture for custom Processors and Services
Rapid development and iterative testing
Secure communication
HTTPS with configurable authentication strategies
Multi-tenant authorization and policy management
Standard protocols for encrypted communication including TLS and SSH

Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.


Last update: 10 January 2023

official website





QJDK8 – https://www.myqnap.org/product/qjdk8/

how get credential

Credentials are generated on first install, inside logs
browse logs /opt/Nifi/logs/nifi-app.log (consider browsing with winscp easier way)

and search for :

Generated username
Generated password

should present like this

Generated Username [5cf8d1eb-6993-438f-b267-73f46396e285]
Generated Password [rFunbv13Fung2XKXwCpjFd+EckmZcNkB]


since this application is really heavy, it may takes several minutes to start and get webUI display




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