(unmaintained moved to CertWarden)
Centralized Certificate Management
Conveniently Leverage Let’s Encrypt to Secure Your Infrastructure
ACME v2 (RFC 8555) Compliant
Create, Import, and Manage Private Keys (RSA and ECDSA)
Create, Import, Manage, and Retire ACME Accounts
Create, Manage, Automatically Renew, and Revoke Certificates
Serve Private Keys and Certificates to Clients via Secure API Calls
Support for HTTP-01 and DNS-01 Challenges
Built-in HTTP-01 Server
Built-in DNS Support for Cloudflare and acme-dns
Built-in DNS Support for acme.sh (Dozens of DNS Providers Without Writing Any Code)
Robust Logging for Troubleshooting
LeGo CertHub (Let’s Encrypt Go Certificate Hub) acts as a central management platform for Let’s Encrypt keys, accounts, and certificates.
CREDENTIAL DEFAULT : admin / password
LOG : /opt/legocerthug/data/log
CONFIG : /opt/legocerthug/data/config.yaml
Min dep : Apache82 version 2457.828
Lego QPKG required
Your gratitude and finance will help me to continue integration of this QPKG and maintain up to date versions.
Last update: 23 April 2024